Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The stock market, the stock market!

Dear Readers

So where is the economy going? Your guess is as good as any expert; even they’re at a loss. As matter of opinion, if we are going to depend on the experts to answer the question, we could just as easily hurl a coin into the wind and scream heads! But how bad is fifty, fifty when you’re making a six figure salary? Who can argue? At any rate, due to the government’s bailed outs, stimulus kickbacks, rate cuts, financial aids and cash-for-clunkers program the market is looking pretty healthy for a change. I wouldn’t throw a party about it since we’re not quite back in Kansas and the wicked witch of the west is still riding around on her jet powered broom shouting “I’m going to get you my little pretty”. The question remains, will she get us? I suppose perhaps our governments thinks Victor Fleming film will end the same way in our economy, by pouring water on the old wicked witch call the great depression.

I guess time will reveal all things. But for now, call it what you like, BIG government, socialism or whatever comes to mind but you have to admit the market is showing at the least temporary improvement.

Kendrick Clark

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