Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The walking paint buckets

Dear Readers,

Is the world so in flame for pain that it will pay hundreds of dollars to a total stranger holding a needle and ink asking afflict me, afflict me? I’m asking? Has it dawn on anyone that those same self affecting pain lovers will one-day be your next Governors, Mayors and city officials? I can vision it now, the United States supreme courts Chief Justice swearing in the lizard man as our new President. Well are you prepared? Can it happen? Didn’t you notice you were being highly sedated every time you’ve allowed those walking paint buckets to entertain you and your family through the media? Yep! Prepped like an overdue pregnant woman waiting for a major C-section operation. Don’t worry though, you won’t feel a thing. I guess the next fad of blogging will be on each others backs. Literally!

Kendrick Clark

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